ABN 36 118 172 771


             The ACCV awards a number of trophy’s annually. The awarding of trophy’s is a very important part of the club, however, they will only be awarded if the level of participation warrants such an award.

Bob Morrow, for best restoration (Originally awarded for the best performance at Alvis day but this was later changed).

Andy Hannam, Most attendance at events and meetings in a proper car.

David Muirden, Clubman Award for services to the club (in the opinion of the committee. Members may nominate a potential recipient.)

Simon Ramsay. Tarrengower Shield, for the fastest time at Mt Tarrengower Hillclimb in an Alvis.

Best Presented Car at an event to be nominated in each competition year. (First awarded in 2005)

                        Event will usually be the National Rally or Weekend away and the car must be used on the event.

Best Article in the Newsletter. This award is at the discretion of the Editor in the year it is awarded.

Basil Bowes Competiton Trophy. Trophy is presented for competition in an Alvis. (Rules agreed to in 2002)

Callaway Cup .

The Callaway Cup has recently come to light, donated back to the club by Nigel Spragg.

The cup was awarded to John Spragg at the 1955 ACCV Concourse event.

John Callaway was an early member of the club, joining in 1954 (as was John Spragg). Any further information on the cup would be most appreciated.